The warrior painter
KIJNO in his studio
“Care about Ladislas Kijno who doesn’t just crumple papers!
He is a powerful artist, a little crazy perhaps, inclined to philosophize. »
Comments by PICASSO collected by Jacques CHANCEL
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The injunction of childhood remained anchored. Kijno explored reality, and with all his strength, he began to create.
Kijno is the man who lets paint flow, crumples paper, sprays his canvases with a spray can, only to tear them apart afterwards.
He's the man who invents writings to denounce wars, the man who paints lines and circles to touch on the essential.
He's the traveler who travels the world to reach the moon; the man who, upon returning, paints a plethora of Buddhas.
Kijno is the lover of words who paints poets.
Kijno is the storm, the boldness, and the worry, an iconoclast who believes in transcendence and gives art the power to reveal the foundations of the world.
For its entrance into its fourth season since opening in March 2022, the GRATALOUP Museum presented the work of the committed and rebellious artist Ladislas KIJNO, a major figure of the 20th-century informal painting movement.
As a privileged partner of the GRATALOUP Museum, the Château de Vascœuil, Center of Art and History, provided its support, allowing us to offer the public a selection of artists, all inscribed in the history of Modern and Contemporary Art. The works of Ladislas KIJNO exhibited this season were part of the private collection of the owners of the Castle.
Kijno, it's the child who at 4 years old draws the lines and curves of his father's violin. It's his father who takes him into the garden to draw trees, leeks, and stra
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150 cm x 75 cm
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