The trees told me...
An ecological and symbolic message
GRATALOUP and the trees in Urban Art

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Who better than GRATALOUP knew how to understand the language of the Trees? He who began drawing them from his earliest childhood, then a little boy in Nantua.
For its second year of existence since its opening in March 2022, the GRATALOUP museum again presents the work of the painter GRATALOUP on a theme dear to him: TREES.
Burning forests, dry rivers, crops at half mast, shattered heat records... we are all witnesses to a growing climatic and ecological emergency.
Also, faced with the imperative need to preserve our planet, its biodiversity and its resources, the GRATALOUP museum offers through the exhibition The Trees have told me..., a pedagogical and didactic course, aimed at understanding:
• The essential role of trees in maintaining life on Earth — that of all living beings, including human life and at the same time,
• The symbolic and dreamlike vision of the painter through their graphic representation.
For GRATALOUP, the tree must today replace Man in his original humility. Let's not forget: they were born long before us, 400 million years ago. They don't need us. Whereas we need them!
It is by learning that Human Being has been able to evolve in his awareness, even if the one we are faced with today is a real emergency. We are all actors in our future, and it is in this service that Art must put itself today, through this exhibition “The Trees told me…”.
Click on the displayed works to access the podcasts

Technique mixte sur toile
200 cm x 100 cm
Click on the photo to enlarge it

Je suis vieux, très vieux, près de 400 millions d’années. Si tu compares toute l’existence de la terre à une journée de 24h, la vie a émergé à 4h du matin. À 22h24, mon tout premier ancêtre s’est élevé vers le ciel. J’ai vu passer les dinosaures aux alentours de 23h. Mais c’est seulement 30 secondes avant les premiers coups de minuit que tu es apparu. Il y a 3 millions d’années…
Tous les deux, nous sommes des êtres vivants mais contrairement à toi, je suis immobile. Mes forêts, se sont agrandies lentement, au gré du vent qui dissémine mon pollen ou des animaux qui transportent mes fruits. Fut un moment, elles recouvraient la moitié de la surface de la terre. Puis tu t’en mêlas. Les forêts rétrécissent un peu plus chaque année, je suis en train de disparaitre… C’est grave pour moi bien sûr mais c’est aussi très grave pour toi. Écoute-moi, je vais te dire pourquoi.